b'OUR PLANNING PROCESSCRMs strategic planning process was a thorough and inclusive examination of our Museums current operations and future needs.A pair of Trustees chaired a Strategic Planning Committee of the Board to provide leadership over the course of the planning process, which spanned several months. We surveyed, and in some instances personally interviewed, selected Donors, Visitors, and Stakeholders. Staff mem-bers were engaged every step of the way and they, and the full Board of Trustees was fully involved in evaluating findings, drawing conclusions, re-setting our mission, vision, and values, and developing strategic goals and implementation plans. We engaged an outside consultant to facilitate a series of retreats with the Board and Staff to ensure objectivity and full participation. As a team we thoughtfully considered the Museums strengths and weaknesses, opportunities we might capitalize on, threats to our success, and external economic, social, industry and demographic trends that will affect the Museum going forward. The Staff developed a detailed implementation plan that will guide our operations over the next three-to-five years and ensure that our goals are realized. Although this report represents our best thinking now and a significant investment of time and attention, we assert that this is a living document; our goals, strategies and tactics are subject to adjustment as experience and internal and external factors demand in the future. Whatever the future holds we will continue to operate in the same spirits of creativity, candor, inclusion, and innovation in which this plan was developed.'